Many residents living in Newtown have contacted their ward Councillors about the speed of vehicles using local residential roads.
Rosemary Road has recently had mini-roundabouts installed. A speed survey shows this was a success.
Cynthia Road residents were concerned too and signed a petition. This was presented to Poole Council Transport Advisory Group, with the full support of all three of us, asking that Cynthia, Rosemary and Rossmore roads be put into the 20 mph zone. The Group has agreed, subject to no legal objections.
We are working in council to make our roads safer. We must keep campaigning to ensure our roads become safer for all, and particularly for the young, elderly and disabled.
To move this forward, we plan to form a Speed Watch “Swat” team, who after Police training and with equipment provided, will monitor the speed of vehicles and feed back to the Police.
We need as many residents as possible in the “Swat” team to monitor our roads. If you can spare up to an hour at a time on agreed days, please e-mail or phone one of us to arrange a meeting and training.
Please assist if you can.
Cllr Graham Wilson, Cllr Lindsay Wilson, Cllr Malcolm Farrell