Maps and details of proposed improvements to Poole Park will be on show in Poole Park Pavilion on Wednesday 2 July between 2pm and 7pm.
The proposals have been put together by Borough of Poole and the Friends of Poole Park following extensive public engagement earlier this year, in support of a £2.5 million bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund. The plans could include:
. Heritage and landscape restoration to ensure that Poole Park retains its original Victorian characteristics while improving the quality of the landscaping.
- Lakes and water improvements for people and wildlife to allow greater public interaction
- Road traffic changes in Poole Park to make it safer and more welcoming
- Play area improvements introducing a play landscape throughout the park
- Geese and wildfowl management and maintenance solutions
The plans and supporting documents can also be viewed at
Councillor Xena Dion, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for a Prosperous and Sustainable Poole, said: "We still have some way to go before we can submit our bid, but the plans drawn up from feedback from the local community are very exciting. The park is a wonderful facility which everyone can enjoy, so it's really important that as many people as possible come and take a look at the plans and back our bid.
"The council and the Friends of Poole Park are doing a great job in providing evidence that Poole Park is well loved and valued within the local community. We are doing everything possible to secure this money and deliver the enhancements that the majority of people have said they want."