Robert Syms MP and Cllr Xena Dion, portfolio holder for the environment, met with local residents in Hamworthy on Friday evening to listen to concerns about the recent flooding. With four storm systems moving across the county, relentless rainfall that brought 230% of Dorset's annual rainfall within two months, the highest tidal surges for years and strong winds, the water levels were the highest for over 25 years. Residents faced flooded garages and saw the water levels threatening their houses. Robert Syms and Xena Dion were accompanied by officers from the Borough of Poole and the Environment Agency.
The Environment Agency have limited resources that have to be spread around the whole of Wessex Region, including Somerset levels, Bristol, Cornwall and Gloucester, where many residents were evacuated. Discussions about options for the long term future led to promises that the Council would install a one-way valve in the drain pipes allowing better drainage. Residents were encouraged to notify the Council when any flooding of roads or paths occurred to ensure it was brought to their attention.
Cllr. Xena Dion, Penn Hill Ward. Portfolio Holder for a Prosperous and Sustainable Poole, Culture and Learning and Consumer Protection.